This morning, as I was having my lovely porridge with a cuppa coffee, I listened to my favourite station, the BBC Radio 4. On one of the shows there was a report, of what the new Chinese leader is currently doing. There was also an interesting remark; that the vast majority of Chinese products are merely an imitation of other products that are around. Thus, there is a lack of original design. The reporter then had said something very significant, that Chinese mentality is of fear in stepping out and creating something original. Unfortunately, the reporter did not provide any more information on the reasons for that issue.

However, this attitude of failure and imitation, staying in comfort zone cannot only be applied to Chinese industry, but also to our lives. We can often stay in the comfort zone for decades on end missing out on great opportunities that will spurn our further growth in God and would provide more joy.

Great wall of China: should we stop at our greatest achievement or should we strive for greater promises from God?
How many people could we reach if we chose not to be in this comfort zone? How many people could be healed?
Don’t feel condemned, instead feel compelled to step out of the comfort zone, trusting that God upholds you and his spirit lives inside you. He has not given you a spirit of fear but of love and power. Likewise we are to not walk by sight but by faith, that is the true meaning of Christian maturity. Please don’t get me wrong I struggle with stepping out of my comfort zone a lot too but this example reminded me that, we should not only be spectators, but to do something new change the world, use the spirit and the knowledge he has already planted in me. I hope this is quite challenging and encouraging because it certainly challenges me.